Miss Porter's House

Miss Hazel Porter lived all her life at 434 King Street, Newcastle until her death in 1997 aged 83. Not wishing her home to be redeveloped, she bequeathed the property, its contents and endowment to the National Trust. The freestanding Edwardian terrace built by her father, Herbert Porter in 1909 has been little changed over the years. Entrusted to the care of the National Trust, it survives as a poignant insight into the homes of an era, and the quiet and careful lives of the Porter family.

The Porter sisters steadfastly retained their personal possessions and the Trust has been intrigued by the collection of clothing, fabrics, craft materials, linen and general household items that remain in the cupboards and sideboards. Miss Porter's House is a living home, offering you today, a rare and privileged visit into other lives and other times.

Facilities at Miss Porter's House

  • History & Heritage
  • 434 King Street, Newcastle, 2300
  • Indicative Prices - $8